Email marketing: the best investment in 2023

What is it and why it’s best to bet on it now

Have you also noticed that over the last year you have been getting more and more emails from companies in your mailbox that you effectively open? I catch myself doing it more and more often. Also, do you know why? Four words: email marketing is back. Back, from never really being gone. It only seemed that way because over the last year, many companies have increased their investment in their email marketing strategy exponentially.And rightly so, because the benefits are many. For example, the return-on-investment (ROI) is tremendously high, as it is for many marketers their most effective channel and often surpasses self-paid advertising. Why? Email marketing makes your marketing campaigns more personal, effective and measurable. It gets your customers to take action faster because you can communicate in a more targeted way. In short, e-mail marketing strengthens your omnichannel strategy. But what exactly does e-mail marketing entail? And how do you get started? Read through the blog below or we will gladly explain it to you in person. Because e-mail marketing will only continue to grow in importance in the coming years, and you don’t want to miss the boat.

Email marketing anno 2023 is more valuable, more personal, more effective

Email marketing has always been a key component in any cross-channel digital marketing strategy, but it disappeared into the background with the advent of new technological developments such as conversational marketing and Artificial Intelligence (AI), among others. In recent years, the pandemic forced organisations to move quickly. They started looking for ways to maintain contact with their customers and attract future prospects. Above all, it had to be quick, cheap and effective. Email marketing turned out to be the holy grail. How are we at Lead On so sure of that? The numbers don’t lie.

77% of marketers see more engagement through email marketing than in 2023. Overall, even 30% of all marketers say email marketing is more crucial to their digital marketing strategy than pandemic. It makes sense, because betting on email marketing in the right way has several benefits.

The benefits of email marketing:

  • Regular and personalised communication creates strong brand bonds resulting in higher engagement with brand ambassadors
  • It is one of the most important touchpoints in your omnichannel digital marketing strategy and encourages quicker conversions.In other words: People who are not yet ready to buy will be won over just that little bit quicker!
  • You collect first-party data. Something that is invaluable with ever-tightening GDPR legislation
  • As your brand, products and services are regularly highlighted, you will stay top-of-mind with your customer or prospect
  • Provided it is thoughtfully designed, planned and executed, it is a lot cheaper(with a higher ROI) than paid advertising

What exactly does it entail?

The benefits are clear. Now for the concept itself, because email marketing encompasses much more than the monthly newsletter. Email marketing is a form of direct marketing: you address your customer or prospect directly via email at regular intervals. Based on the data you collect on how your customer or prospect responds to your email, you will adjust future communications so that he or she will be more likely to take your desired action in the future. The best tool to view this data is Google Analytics 4. We recommend automating this process. It reduces your workload and also helps to make the experience for your customer or prospect as personalized as possible. Win-win! Because personalization is becoming increasingly important in 2023 as well.

Examples of email marketing, in order of effectiveness

  • newsletter
  • welcome email
  • product mailing
  • sales promotions
  • event communications
  • pre- or post-purchase e-mails
  • emails to prompt customers to buy again
  • emails for birthdays or milestones

How do you get started with email marketing?

Good email marketing is more personal, more effective, but also more measurable. In that order. Because everything stands or falls with the right plan of action. If you want to get started quickly with email marketing, it’s important that you get good guidance. Please contact us and we’ll together see how email marketing can generate the most revenue for you. We’ll assess which tool is most suitable, which tone-of-voice suits your brand, and how we can maximize your ROI through A/B testing and reporting. Remember that personal approach? It also works best for us. See you soon!

Picture of Quinten Hebbelynck

Quinten Hebbelynck

Co-Founder & CCO | Lead On Performance Marketing
Digital Marketing Consultant building a bridge between digital & data

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